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Chapter 9 216 The Bristol stool form scale was used to register all bowel movements ( Figure 9.3 ). There was no minimum or maximum number of registrations per day. Figure 9.1 Home screen, i.e . main menu, of the PERSUADE smartphone application. In Dutch, Medicijnenlijst means Medication list, Ontlasting rapportage means registration of Bowel habit, and Vragenlijst means questionnaire. Note that the questionnaire icon is grey, denoting that the end-of-day daily symptom questionnaire is disabled. The questionnaire was accessible and could be filled in between 6 and 12 pm each day, the icon would then become blue. Figure 9.2 Question in the PERSUADE smartphone application assessing the primary endpoint. Patients were requested to answer this question each night during the pre-treatment and treatment period. In Dutch, Hoe erg was vandaag de pijn in uw buik? means How would you rate your abdominal pain today? Denk hierbij aan de ergste pijn vandaag means Think about the worst pain today. Annuleren means cancel, and volgende means next.