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Smart Data Collection for the Assessment of Treatment Effects in IBS 233 9 b. Other surgery upon judgment of the principle investigator; 5. History of liver disease, cholangitis, achlorhydria, gallstones or other diseases of the gallbladder/biliary system; 6. Pregnancy, lactation; 7. Using drugs of abuse; 8. Known allergic reaction to peppermint. Inclusion criteria for the actual treatment period In order to be eligible to participate in this study, subjects must meet all of the following criteria: 1. No changes in in- and exclusion criteria for the run-in period have occurred; 2. Average worst abdominal pain score (on 11-point NRS) of > 3, during the 14-days pre-treatment period. Supplementary Table Table S9.1 Proportion of patients with missing data in web-based questionnaires. N =189 Missingness of all questionnaires due to discontinuation or non-response , N (%) Baseline T = 4 weeks T = 8 weeks T = 3 months T = 6 months 0 6 (3.2) 12 (6.3) 11 (5.8) 11 (5.8) Missingness in question regarding presenteeism due to a routing error , N (%) Baseline T = 4 weeks T = 8 weeks T = 3 months T = 6 months 102 (54.0) 95 (50.3) 86 (45.5) 69 (36.5) 44 (23.3)