Zsa Zsa Weerts

Rome III versus Rome IV criteria for IBS 45 2 Supplementary Material Table S2.1 Definition of Rome IV criteria 6 and surrogate Rome IV criteria, based on 14-day end-of-day symptom diary, separately for functional constipation, functional diarrhea and functional abdominal bloating/distension. Rome IV criteria Surrogate Rome IV criteria FUNCTIONAL CONSTIPATION 1. Must fulfill two or more of the following: a. Straining with defecation (at least 25% of stools) b. Lumpy or hard stools (BSFS 1-2) (at least 25% of stools) c. Sensation of incomplete evacuation (at least 25% of stools) d. Sensation of anorectal obstruction/blockage (at least 25% of stools) e. Manual maneuvers to facilitate defecation (at least 25% of stools) f. Fewer than three spontaneous stools per week 1. a. Not verifiable from diary data b. Checked in diary data : Percentage number of BM’s with BSFS 1-2 from total number of BM’s over 14 days; fulfilled if ≥25% c. Not verifiable from diary data d. Not verifiable from diary data e. Not verifiable from diary data f. Checked in diary data : Number of BM’s over 14 days; fulfilled if ≤6 2. Loose stools are rarely present (BSFS 6-7) 2. Checked in diary data : Percentage number of BM’s with BSFS 6-7 from total number of BM’s over 14 days; fulfilled if ≤20% 3. Insufficient criteria for IBS or OIC 3. Assumed true : Additional analysis only considers subjects that fulfill Rome III for IBS (no OIC) and do not fulfill Rome IV for IBS 4. Symptom onset at least 6 months prior to diagnosis 4. Assumed true : Subjects fulfilled Rome III for IBS