Zsa Zsa Weerts

Chapter 2 46 Table S2.1 (continued) Rome IV criteria Surrogate Rome IV criteria FUNCTIONAL DIARRHEA 1. Loose or watery stools (BSFS 6-7) (at least 25% of stools) 1. Checked in diary data : Percentage number of BM’s with BSFS 6-7 from total number of BM’s over 14 days; fulfilled if ≥25% 2. Without predominant abdominal pain or bloating 2. Not verifiable from diary data 3. Symptom onset at least 6 months prior to diagnosis 3. Assumed true : Subjects fulfilled Rome III for IBS 4. Insufficient criteria for IBS-D 4. Assumed true : Additional analysis only considers subjects that do not fulfill Rome IV for IBS FUNCTIONAL ABDOMINAL BLOATING/DISTENSION 1. Recurrent bloating and/or distension (at least weekly) 1. Checked in diary data : Symptom severity score for bloating ≥2 at least one day in both the first and the second seven days. 2. Abdominal bloating/distension predominates over other symptoms 2. Not verifiable from diary data 3. Insufficient criteria for IBS, FC, FD or PDS 3. Checked in diary data : Additional analysis only considers subjects that do not fulfill Rome IV for IBS. Subjects fulfilling surrogate criteria for FC or FD were excluded from FAB/D analysis. Diagnosis PDS was not verifiable from diary data. 4. Symptom onset at least 6 months prior to diagnosis 4. Assumed true : Subjects fulfilled Rome III for IBS BSFS: Bristol Stool Form Scale; FC: Functional Constipation; BM: Bowel movement; FD: Functional Diarrhea; OIC: Opioid induced constipation; FAB/D: Functional Abdominal Bloating/Distension; PDS: Post-prandial distress syndrome.