Zsa Zsa Weerts

Rome III versus Rome IV criteria for IBS 47 2 Table S2.2 Distribution of alternative Rome IV diagnoses, based on surrogate Rome IV criteria, within Rome IV-negative (IBS) population, i.e. assessed using end-of-day symptom diaries*. Rome IV-negative N =155 Functional constipation , N (%) (N=373) 34 (23.61) a Functional diarrhea , N (%) (N=376) 50 (34.25) b Functional bloating/distension , N (%) (N=370) 37 (25.69) a No alternative Rome IV diagnosis , N (%) (N=370) 23 (15.97) a a-d Number of subjects included in analyses: a 144; b 146. * Rome IV IBS diagnosis according to ‘Definition 2: Abdominal pain score ≥3 once a week in each week’.