Zsa Zsa Weerts

Chapter 3 68 72.5% IBS-D at baseline N=40 23.4% IBS-M at baseline N=47 IBS-D IBS-C IBS-M IBS-U IBS-C at baseline N=23 IBS subtype at follow-up 39.1% 50.1% IBS-U at baseline N=2 Figure S3.2 Pie slices represent the proportion of patients with a particular IBS subtype at follow-up (please refer to legend for information on which subtype). The percentage depicted within the pie represents the proportion of patients that were diagnosed as having the same IBS subtype at follow-up, as at baseline. IBS-D; Irritable Bowel Syndrome, diarrhea predominant subtype. IBS- C; Irritable Bowel Syndrome, constipation predominant subtype. IBS-M; Irritable Bowel Syndrome, mixed stool type subtype. IBS-U; Irritable Bowel Syndrome, undefined subtype.