Zsa Zsa Weerts

Chapter 1 General introduction 7
Chapter 2 Rome III versus Rome IV criteria for irritable bowel syndrome: A comparison of clinical characteristics in a large cohort study 31
Chapter 3 Reduction in IBS symptom severity is not paralleled by improvement in quality of life in patients with irritable bowel syndrome 49
Chapter 4 Transient receptor potential channels as possible therapeutic targets in irritable bowel syndrome – a review 73
Chapter 5 A putative anti-inflammatory role for TRPM8 in irritable bowel syndrome – an exploratory study 103
Chapter 6 A novel ileocolonic release peppermint oil capsule for the treatment of irritable bowel syndrome: a pharmacokinetic pilot study in healthy volunteers 121
Chapter 7 Efficacy and safety of peppermint oil in a randomized, double-blind trial of patients with irritable bowel syndrome 141
Chapter 8 A trial-based economic evaluation of peppermint oil for the treatment of irritable bowel syndrome 189
Chapter 9 Smart data collection for the assessment of treatment effects in irritable bowel syndrome: observational study 211
General discussion 237
Summary 253
Dutch summary 259
Impact paragraph 267
List of publications 273
Acknowledgements 277
Curriculum vitae 285