Dorien Bangma

DECISION-MAKING IN ADHD | 135 Name of test Test description Possible outcome measures Construct of measurement Cambridge Gambling Test (CGT; Rogers et al. , 1999) Goal: maximize total number of points. § A yellow token has been hidden inside one box out of a row of 10 boxes (some boxes are colored red, others blue). § The participants must indicate whether they think the token is in a red or a blue box, and are offered a series of betting options, to place bets on their choice being correct. § The chosen bet is added/subtracted from the total number of points depending on the choice being correct/incorrect, respectively. § The task is usually performed in two conditions (both containing 4 blocks of 9 trials each): 1. Ascending condition: series of offered bets starts low and increases. 2. Descending condition: series of offered bets starts high and decreases. § Deliberation time (i.e., speed of decision- making). § Quality of decision making (i.e., percentage of trials in which the participant chooses the more likely outcome). § Percentage of bets made (i.e., percentage of the total points placed on a choice, when that choice was the more likely outcome). § Sum of bets (i.e., average bet across box ratios) § Risk adjustment Risky decision- making Card Playing Task (CPT; Newman et al. , 1987, 1992) Goal: maximize gain. § In a deck of cards, red and black cards represent gain and losses of €50, respectively. § The first 2 out of 8 blocks are associated with gaining money, from the third block onward there is a gradual shift towards loss. § After completing each block, the participant is asked to decide whether to continue or to quit playing. § Total gain (i.e., total amount of money gained at the end of the task). Risky decision- making Rapid Decision Making Under Risk task (RDMUR; Fernandez- Duque & Wifall, 2007; Slovic, 1966) Goal: maximize gain. § A deck of 10 cards contains nine “good cards” and one “bad card” (i.e., the joker; unbeknownst to the participant, the joker is always the ninth card of the deck). § The participant wins one dollar when a good card is turned. § When the joker is turned, the participant loses all the money and the game ends. § The participant is not informed about the location of the joker. § Rational/safe decision makers stop after turning the fifth card (highest expected value). § Total score. § (Total) reaction time. Risky decision- making Rapid Decision Gambling Task (RDGT; Gehring & Willoughby, 2002) Goal: maximize gain. § The participant has to select one out of two squares: one square contains the number “5”, the other square contains the number “25”. § After the choice has been made, each square turns red or green. If the chosen square turns green, the amount on the square is added to the total score, if the square turns red, the amount on the square is subtracted from the total score. § Participants are informed about how much they gained or lost, but also about what they could have gained or lost. § Positive and negative feedback is used to obtain Event-Related Potential (ERP) waveforms. Risky decision- making Table continues on the next page