Dorien Bangma

136 | CHAPTER 6 Name of test Test description Possible outcome measures Construct of measurement Probabilistic Gambling Task (PGT; based on Gneezy & Potters, 1997) Goal: maximize gain. § During each trial, the participant must choose a number of points to gamble with. § The participant can either win four times the number of points (1/3 winning probability) or lose the entire amount (2/3 losing probability). § The task has two conditions: 1. High frequency feedback condition: after each trial the participant is informed about the amount of money won/lost. 2. Low frequency feedback condition: after each trial the participant is only informed that the outcome of the gambling was determined. § Total gains (i.e., total amount of money at the end of the task). § Total gains earned during low frequency feedback trials. § Total gains earned during high frequency feedback trials. § Risk Index a . § Response times. Risky decision- making Balloon Analogue Risk Task (BART; Lejuez et al. , 2002) Goal: maximize gain. § In a computer task, the participant must inflate balloons. § For each pump of air, the participant can earn money. § When the balloons pops, the participant loses all the money earned during a trial. § Performance (i.e., average number of pumps based on the trials where the balloon did not pop). Risky decision- making Adult Decision- Making Competence battery (A-DMC; Bruine de Bruin et al., 2007; Parker & Fischhoff, 2005) The test battery consists of seven subtests, two of which are included in the current literature review: 1. Applying Decision Rules Task: For 10 decision-making problems, participants have to select the best option(s) according to different decision rules. 2. Under/Overconfidence Task: Participants must answer 34 factual questions (true/false). Afterwards, they must indicate how certain they are of their answer on a scale from 50% (just guessing) to 100% (absolutely sure). Applying Decision Rules Task: § Total score (i.e., total number of correct choices according to the decision rule applied). Under/Overconfidence Task: § Absolute discrepancy between the mean level of certainty and the percentage of correct answers (0 = absolute discrepancy, 1 = perfect calibration). Deliberative decision- making Delay Discounting Task (DDT) / Temporal Discounting Task (TDT) / Inter- temporal Choice Task Goal: choose from two or more reward options. § During each trial, participants must choose between two (monetary) reward options that differ in amount and time of pay-out. § Choices are between receiving (1) a relatively small reward immediately or after a fairly short delay, or (2) a larger reward after a long(er) delay. § Discounting rate (i.e., measure indicating how much an individual/group prefers the immediate rewards over the future, larger reward). § Total score (i.e., percentage of the amount of money chosen in relation to the maximum reward that can be obtained). § Decision time (averaged for all choices) § Preferences for immediate rewards. § Preferences for delayed rewards. Delay discounting Table continues on the next page