Dorien Bangma

DECISION-MAKING IN ADHD | 147 Study a Sample characteristics b Comorbidities c Medication d DM task(s) Main results Schäfer et al. (2015) ADHD inattentive: n (m/f) = 11 (3/8) Age M(SD) = 33.9y (9.6) ADHD hyperactive/impulsive or combined: n (m/f) = 18 (8/10) Age M(SD) = 35.6y (10.5) CG: n (m/f) = 14 (4/10) Age M(SD) = 31.2y (4.9) Unknown Unknown § Social Justice Game § Task performance: ADHD inattentive presentation = ADHD hyperactive/impulsive or combined presentation § Profiteer sensitivity: ADHD-groups > CG § Perpetrator sensitivity: ADHD-groups = CG § Observer sensitivity: ADHD-groups > CG Sethi et al. (2018) e ADHD: n (m/f) = 30 (19/11) Age M(SD) = 33.7y (9.51) CG: n (m/f) = 30 (19/11) Age M(SD) = 32.6y (9.54) All participants were tested twice: once in a placebo and once in a medicated condition. Comorbid psychiatric disorders were part of the exclusion criteria, except anxiety and/or unipolar depressive disorder in remission. All patients were on a stable medication regimen (i.e., MFD/dexamphetamine) ≥ 2 months prior to participation. All participants were off- medication 48 hours before testing. § Reinforcemen t Learning Task + Novelty Manipulation § Total gain: ADHD + placebo < CG § Reward-related learning rate: ADHD + placebo < CG + placebo § Novelty bonus: ADHD + placebo = CG Note: although not statistically significant, the novelty bonus was more than twice as large in the ADHD + placebo group compared to the CG. § Selection of novel options at first presentation: ADHD + placebo > CG-groups § MFD improved performances on all measures in ADHD, but not in CG (dissociable effects of MFD). Tamm et al. (2013) ADHD cannabis-users: n (m/f) = 42 (39/3) Age M(SD) = 24.4y (1.3) ADHD non-users (no cannabis): n (m/f) = 45 (33/12) Age M(SD) = 24.6y (1.4) CG cannabis-users: n (m/f) = 20 (17/3) Age M(SD) = 23.7y (1.4) CG non-users (no cannabis): n (m/f) = 21 (14/7) Age M(SD) = 23.4y (1.5) Unknown ADHD cannabis users: Stimulants (daily): n = 3 Stimulants (occasionally): n = 1 ADHD non-users: Stimulants (daily): n = 2 Stimulant (occasionally): none All participants were off- medication during testing. § IGT § IGT total netscore: ADHD-groups < CG § IGT total netscore: cannabis-users < non-users Todokoro et al. (2018) ADHD: n (m/f) = 14 (5/9) Age M(SD) = 31.2y (6.7) CG: n (m/f) = 16 (6/10) Age M(SD) = 32.2y (4.8) ≥ 1 comorbid disorder(s): n = 6 Psychiatric diagnosis CG: none All participants were off- medication. § Intertemporal Choice Task § Time discounting rate: ADHD = CG § Behavioral choices dependent on waiting time: ADHD = CG § ADHD-group showed no tendency to choose immediate rewards over delayed rewards. § Total gain (total score): ADHD > CG Wilbertz et al. (2012) ADHD: n (m/f) = 28 (15/13) Age M(SD) = 37.11y (9.13) CG: n (m/f) = 28 (14/14) Age M(SD) = 36.71y (9.31) ≥ 1 comorbid disorder(s) (present): n = 7 ≥ 1 comorbid disorder(s) (remitted): n = 9 Psychiatric diagnosis CG: none Stimulants (past): n = 4 Drug naive: n = 20 All participants were off- medication ≥ 2 months before testing. § DDT § GDT § DDT discounting rate: ADHD = CG § GDT number of risky choices: ADHD = CG § GDT use of negative feedback: ADHD = CG Table continues on the next page