Dorien Bangma

170 | CHAPTER 7 -1 0 1 2 Table 7.3. Performances on FDM tests of adults with ADHD (n = 45) and healthy controls (n = 51). FDM tests ADHD M (SD) Healthy controls M (SD) t p-value d (99%CI) FCAI total 94.62 (9.51) 112.16 (12.10) 7.94 < .001* Financial abilities 23.44 (4.32) 29.63 (5.13) 6.34 < .001* Financial judgment 20.49 (4.45) 25.57 (4.85) 5.32 < .001* Financial management 16.38 (2.82) 18.96 (2.17) 4.98 < .001* Financial cognitive functioning 21.96 (1.67) 22.76 (2.10) 2.07 .041 Debt management 2.53 (1.25) 3.06 (0.90) 2.33 .022 Financial support resources 9.82 (2.39) 12.18 (2.58) 4.63 < .001* FDMI total 16.22 (2.47) 18.41 (1.73) 5.09 < .001* Identification 3.11 (0.94) 3.73 (0.49) 3.95 < .001* Understanding 2.82 (0.89) 3.63 (0.63) 5.07 < .001* Reasoning 3.49 (0.84) 3.82 (0.43) 2.40 .019 Appreciating 3.11 (0.94) 3.39 (0.72) 1.66 .101 Communication 3.69 (0.67) 3.84 (0.42) 1.34 .186 FDS rational 17.47 (4.66) 19.12 (2.95) 2.01 .049 FDS intuitive 14.86 (3,91) 14.65 (3.54) -0.28 .778 FDS dependent 15.63 (4.63) 16.37 (3.61) 0.88 .383 FDS avoidant 15.26 (5.22) 10.49 (4.67) -4.67 < .001* FDS spontaneous 11.64 (3.67) 8.35 (2.61) -4.95 < .001* CDR total 6.92 (1.99) 7.25 (2.18) 0.75 .453 TDT total 75.61 (18.96) 88.20 (11.41) 4.27 < .001* IBQ total 65.97 (12.61) 57.82 (8.87) -3.45 .001* Cognitive component 38.78 (6.62) 32.63 (4.96) -4.89 < .001* Affective component 28.00 (6.43) 25.20 (4.80) -2.32 .023 Situational component 9.77 (1.80) 9.75 (1.55) -0.08 .936 IGT total 15.67 (41.96) 11.88 (37.72) -0.46 .646 Note. ADHD = attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder; CDR = Competence in Decision Rules; CI = Confidence Interval; FCAI = Financial Competence Assessment Inventory; FDMI = Financial Decision-Making Interview; FDS = Financial Decision Style questionnaire; IBQ = Impulsive Buying Questionnaire; IGT = Iowa Gambling Task; TDT = Temporal Discounting Task. * p < .01. Table 7.4. FDM outcome classification of adults with ADHD (n = 45) and healthy controls (n = 51). Adults with ADHD Healthy controls FDM tests Impaired % (n) Low % (n) Normal % (n) Impaired % (n) Low % (n) Normal % (n) FCAI total 26.7% (12) 28.9% (13) 44.4% (20) 2.0% (1) 2.0% (1) 96.1% (49) FDMI total 8.9% (4) 20.0% (9) 71.1% (32) 5.9% (3) 0% (0) 94.1% (48) CDR total 2.2% (1) 2.2% (1) 95.6% (43) 5.9% (3) 0% (0) 94.1% (48) TDT total 22.2% (10) 2.2% (1) 75.6% (34) 7.8% (4) 0% (0) 92.2% (47) IBQ total 3.1% (1) 2.1% (1) 93.8% (30) 2.0% (1) 5.9% (3) 92.2% (47) IGT total 0% (0) 7.0% (3) 93.0% (40) 0% (0) 2.0% (1) 98.0% (50) Note. Results of the Financial Decision Styles questionnaire are not included, since lower/higher scores do not represent better or worse scores. ADHD = attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder; CDR = Competence in Decision Rules; FCAI = Financial Competence Assessment Inventory; FDMI = Financial Decision-Making Interview; IBQ = Impulsive Buying Questionnaire; IGT = Iowa Gambling Task; TDT = Temporal Discounting Task.