Dorien Bangma

FDM IN ADULTS WITH ADHD | 179 -1 0 1 2 Appendix 7-3. Personal financial situation of adults with ADHD (n = 48) and healthy controls (n = 85), including students (n = 37). Group differences Questions about participants’ financial situation ADHD Healthy controls Statistics p-value d (99%CI) ‘What is approximately your annual gross income?’ Mdn €15,000 to €25,000 €15,000 to €25,000 U =1888.50 .753 ‘How much money can you approximately spend each month after deduction of fixed expenses?’ M (SD) €525.76 (€405.38) €785.45 (€724.75) t=2.58 .011 ‘Do you receive social security?’ % yes 22.9% 14.1% X 2 (1)=1.66 .198 ‘If you receive social security, how much money do you approximately receive each month?’ M (SD) €357.00 (€189.78) €272.09 (€145.82) t=-1.13 .272 ‘Do you have debts other than mortgage or study loans?’ % yes 47.9% 9.5% X 2 (1)=25.06 < .001* ‘Do you have a savings account?’ % yes 53.2% 92.3% X 2 (1)=25.82 < .001* ‘Do you save actively, i.e., do you put money on your savings account on a regular basis?’ % yes 56.0% 55.5% X 2 (1)<0.01 .969 ‘Do you save for retirement?’ % yes 45.8% 49.4% X 2 (1)=0.16 .694 ‘Do you own a house?’ % yes 12.5% 33.3% X 2 (1)=6.93 .008* Note. ADHD = attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder; CI = Confidence Interval. * p < .01.