Dorien Bangma

FDM IN ADULTS WITH ADHD | 181 -1 0 1 Appendix 7-5. Performances on measures of cognition of adults with ADHD (n = 29) and healthy controls (n = 78), including students (n = 30). FDM tests ADHD M (SD) Healthy controls M (SD) t p-value d (99%CI) Selective attention (WAFS reaction time) 369.10 (80.91) 373.44 (81.98) 0.24 .808 Vigilance (WAFV reaction time) 491.48 (92.87) 443.73 (85.32) -2.51 .014 Interference (STROOP interference) 0.19 (0.09) 0.13 (0.07) -3.26 .002* Verbal working memory (NBV accuracy) 12.38 (2.78) 12.79 (2.69) 0.70 .483 Figural fluency (5POINT number correct) 22.63 (7.79) 26.62 (10.70) 2.07 .043 Processing speed (TMT-A working time) 22.19 (4.89) 22.61 (7.52) 0.28 .778 Cognitive flexibility (TMT-B working time) 32.22 (8.71) 32.48 (13.04) 0.57 .568 Inhibition (INHIB reaction time) 0.30 (0.04) 0.28 (0.04) -2.90 .005* Task switching (SWITCH accuracy) 3.34 (5.86) 3.96 (5.33) 0.52 .606 Numeracy a (WAIS-IV Arithmetic accuracy) 17.08 (4.00) 19.02 (3.02) 2.92 .005* Note. ADHD = attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder; CI = Confidence Interval; INHIB = Response inhibition go/no-go task; NBV = N-Back Verbal test; STROOP = Stroop interference test; SWITCH = Task switching test; TMT-A = Trail Making Test – part A; TMT-B = Trail Making Test – part B; WAFS = Perception and Attention Functions test – Selective attention; WAFV = Perception and Attention Functions test – Vigilance; WAIS-IV = Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale IV; 5POINT = 5-Point test. a Analysis of numeracy based on the performance of 48 adults with ADHD and 85 healthy controls. * p < .01.