Dorien Bangma

196 | CHAPTER 8 Table 8.4a. Hierarchical regressions of impulsive buying behavior in the total sample. IBQ total score Model 1 Model 2 Model 3 B ß p sr 2 B ß p sr 2 B ß p sr 2 1 st block Age -0.17 -.34 < .001* .094 -0.11 -.21 < .001* .031 -0.10 -.20 < .001* .027 Sex 3.16 .17 < .001* .024 3.76 .20 < .001* .029 3.79 .20 < .001* .029 Level of education -0.70 -.08 .005 .005 -0.35 -.04 .151 .001 -0.38 -.04 .123 .001 Income -0.27 -.05 .112 .002 0.13 .02 .424 .000 0.12 .02 .479 .000 2 nd block Neuroticism 0.28 .23 < .001* .025 0.26 .21 < .001* .022 Extraversion 0.38 .25 < .001* .043 0.37 .24 < .001* .038 Openness -0.06 -.04 .133 .001 -0.07 -.04 .113 .001 Agreeableness -0.20 -.11 < .001* .009 -0.18 -.10 < .001* .007 Conscientiousness -0.30 -.18 < .001* .023 -0.28 -.16 < .001* .020 Depression 1.21 .05 .089 .002 0.82 .03 .262 .001 3 rd block Symptoms of ADHD 1.80 .06 .045 .002 Total R 2 adjusted 15.6% , p < .001* 26.4% , p < .001* 26.6% , p < .001* ∆R 2 11.4%, p < .001* 0.2%, p = .045 IBQ cognitive Model 1 Model 2 Model 3 B ß p sr 2 B ß p sr 2 B ß p sr 2 1 st block Age -0.08 -.30 < .001* .075 -0.05 -.17 < .001* .021 -0.05 -.16 < .001* .018 Sex 1.14 .11 < .001* .011 1.87 .18 < .001* .024 1.89 .18 < .001* .024 Level of education -0.30 -.06 .033 .003 -0.09 -.02 .492 .000 -0.10 -.02 .446 .000 Income -0.07 -.02 .457 .000 0.18 .06 .045 .002 0.18 .06 .052 .002 2 nd block Neuroticism 0.11 .16 < .001* .012 0.10 .15 < .001* .010 Extraversion 0.19 .23 < .001* .036 0.18 .22 < .001* .032 Openness -0.04 -.05 .057 .002 -0.05 -.05 .049 .002 Agreeableness -0.13 -.14 < .001* .013 -0.12 -.13 < .001* .011 Conscientiousness -0.25 -.27 < .001* .058 -0.25 -.27 < .001* .052 Depression 0.20 .02 .611 .000 0.04 .00 .915 .000 3 rd block Symptoms of ADHD 0.74 .05 .137 .002 Total R 2 adjusted 10.3% , p < .001* 23.3% , p < .001* 23.3% , p < .001* ∆R 2 13.3%, p < .001* 0.1%, p = .137 Table continues on the next page