Dorien Bangma

200 | CHAPTER 8 FDS spontaneous Model 1 Model 2 Model 3 B ß p sr 2 B ß p sr 2 B ß p sr 2 1 st block Age -0.03 -.24 < .001* .049 -0.01 -.10 .001* .006 -0.01 -.09 .003 .005 Sex -0.27 -.06 .048 .003 0.32 .07 .019 .003 -0.33 -.07 .017 .003 Level of education -0.11 -.05 .098 .002 0.01 .01 .819 .000 -0.01 -.01 .862 .000 Income -0.05 -.04 .232 .001 0.07 .05 .123 .001 -0.06 -.04 .136 .001 2 nd block Neuroticism 0.04 .13 < .001* .009 0.04 .13 < .001* .008 Extraversion 0.09 .23 < .001* .036 0.09 .22 < .001* .032 Openness -0.03 -.07 .009 .004 -0.03 -.07 .008 .004 Agreeableness -0.12 -.26 < .001* .048 -0.11 -.25 < .001* .044 Conscientiousness -0.13 -.30 < .001* .068 -0.12 -.29 < .001* .063 Depression -0.12 -.02 .512 .000 -0.17 -.03 .361 .001 3 rd block Symptoms of ADHD 0.25 .03 .278 .001 Total R 2 adjusted 6.0%, p < .001* 24.0%, p < .001* 24.0% , p < .001* ∆R 2 18.3%, p < .001* 0.0%, p = .278 Note. Neuroticism, extraversion, openness, agreeableness and conscientiousness are measured with the Neuroticism- Extraversion-Openness Five Factor Inventory (NEO-FFI). Symptoms of depression are measured with the Beck Depression Inventory II (BDI-II-NL). Symptoms of ADHD are measured with the attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder rating scale (ARS) current version. ADHD = attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder, IBQ = Impulsive Buying Questionnaire; FDS = financial decision- making styles questionnaire. * p ≤ .001 is considered significant.