Dorien Bangma

FDM AND NORMAL AGING | 49 Table 3.2. Results of multiple hierarchical regression analyses of sample 1 and sample 2. Sample 1 Bootstrap of sample 1 Sample 2 Bootstrap of sample 2 Control variables a Age Age Age Age R 2 p (F) b ∆R 2 p (∆F) Bias SE 95%CI b ∆R 2 p (∆F) Bias SE 95%CI FCAI-NL total .163 < .001* -0.015 .000 .791 - - - - - - - - - FDMI total .091 .003* -0.008 .005 .358 - - - - - - - - - FDS rational .022 .488 0.003 .000 .848 - - - - - - - - - FDS intuitive .080 .002* 0.021 .008 .237 - - - - - - - - - FDS dependent .028 .361 -0.018 .005 .354 - - - - - - - - - FDS avoidant .012 .747 0.019 .007 .310 - - - - - - - - - FDS spontaneous .035 .233 -0.019 .010 .196 - - - - - - - - - CDR total .211 < .001* -0.066 .151 < .001* 0.001 0.010 [-0.085, -0.044]* -0.070 .150 < .001* < 0.001 0.017 [-0.101, -0.035]* TDT total .048 .088 0.006 .058 .001* < 0.001 0.002 [0.002, 0.010]* -0.001 .001 .770 - - - IBQ total .272 < .001* 0.120 .034 .011* 0.002 0.042 [0.035, 0.209]* 0.169 .062 .006* < 0.001 0.040 [0.041, 0.198]* Affective .257 < .001* 0.086 .063 < .001* 0.001 0.023 [0.042, 0.132]* 0.085 .048 .016* < 0.001 0.038 [0.012, 0.163]* Cognitive component .215 < .001* 0.030 .007 .246 - - - - - - - - - Situational component .061 .044 -0.011 .015 .119 - - - - - - - - - IGT netscore total .017 .572 -0.619 .071 < .001* 0.011 0.174[-0.959, -0.280]* -0.040 .000 .878 - - - Netscore trial 01 – 20 .018 .566 -0.035 .005 .343 - - - - - - - - - Netscore trial 21 – 40 .042 .129 -0.112 .027 .032* 0.002 0.054 [-0.213, 0.004] -0.056 .005 .453 - - - Netscore trial 41 – 60 .015 .656 -0.057 .007 .275 - - - - - - - - - Netscore trial 61 – 80 .018 .565 -0.171 .067 .001* -0.002 0.052 [-0.279, -0.067]* -0.020 .001 .790 - - - Netscore trial 81 - 100 .027 .336 -0.252 .120 < .001* 0.001 0.052 [-0.353, -0.146]* 0.018 .000 .816 - - - FDM I/D ‘intuition’ .036 .217 -0.146 .014 .132 - - - - - - - - - FDM-I/D ‘deliberation’ .043 .126 -0.113 .009 .223 - - - - - - - - - Note. C DR = Competence in Decision Rules; FCAI-NL = Financial Competence Assessment Inventory - NL; FDMI = Financial Decision-Making Interview; FDM-I/D = Financial Decision Making on Intuition or Deliberation; FDM-I/D = Financial Decision Making on Intuition or Deliberation Test; FDS = Financial Decision Styles; IBQ = Impulsive Buying Questionnaire; IGT = Iowa Gambling Task; TDT = Temporal Discounting Task. a Control variables included were gender, education (in years), income and employment status. ∆R 2 = R 2 change (i.e., added variance when including age); p(∆F) = p-value F change. * significant with p < .05.