Dorien Bangma

62 | CHAPTER 4 Identification Included Eligibility Screening Records identified through database searching: Pubmed (k = 904) Medline (k = 863) PsychINFO (k = 623) Web of Knowledge (k = 68) Additional records identified through other sources (k = 3) Records after duplicates removed ( k = 1612) Records screened ( k = 1612) Records excluded ( k = 1483) Full-text articles assessed for eligibility ( k = 129) Full-text articles excluded, with reasons ( k = 85) Articles included in qualitative synthesis ( k = 47) Figure 4.1. Prisma flow diagram according to the guidelines of Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (Moher et al., 2009). Articles included in quantitative synthesis (meta-analysis) ( k = 31)