Dorien Bangma

FDM IN NEURODEGENERATIVE DISEASES | 81 Study Country Design Sample characteristics FDM task (scale) Main outcome Conclusion Gerstenecker et al. (2019) + USA CS AD (n=59) / Stage: mild FCI (scores on domains 1-7, 9, total score based on domains 1-7 ,9) - People living with mild AD showed significantly lower FDM performances than HC on the FCI total score and on all domains separately. AD (mild) < HC - age (y) 74.5±8.7 - education (y) 14.5±2.3 - 54.2% male - MMSE 23.7±3.1 * HC (n=64) - age (y) 70.6±7.4 - education (y) 15.8±2.3 - 29.7% male - MMSE 28.7±3.9 Giannouli & Tsolaki (2014) + Greece CS AD (n=10) / Stage: severe FDM test b (scores on six domains) - All patient groups showed significantly lower FDM performances than HC (i.e., < 2.5SD below the mean of controls) on all domains of the FDM test. - People living with severe AD showed significantly lower FDM performances than people living with mild AD (i.e., < 2.5SD below the mean of people living with mild AD) on three domains of the FDM test, i.e., ‘basic monetary skills’, decision making capacity and judgment for different dilemmas. - People living with severe AD also showed significantly lower FDM performances than people living with moderate AD (i.e., < 2.5SD below the mean of people living with moderate AD) on one domain of the FDM test, i.e., ‘decision making capacity and judgment for different dilemmas’. - People living with moderate AD showed significantly lower FDM performances than people living with mild AD (i.e., < 2.5SD below the mean of people living with mild AD) on one domain of the FDM test, i.e., ‘decision making capacity and judgment for different dilemmas’. AD (severe) < AD (moderate) < AD (mild) < HC - age (y) 74.4±8.6 ? - education (y) 5.65±2.6 ? - % male n.r. - MMSE 5.4±2.8 ? AD (n=22) / Stage: moderate - age (y) 77.8±6.1 ? - education (y) 7.4±4.0 ? - % male n.r. - MMSE 15.2±2.4 ? AD (n=32) / Stage: mild - age (y) 76.7±7.4 ? - education (y) 6.9±4.3 ? - % male n.r. - MMSE 22.2±2.6 ? HC (n=83) - age (y) 73.6±9.8 - education (y) 8.1±4.6 - % male n.r. - MMSE 29.5±1.2 Giannouli et al. (2018) + Greece CS AD (n=23) / Stage: severe LCPLTAS (scores on seven domains, total score based on all domains) - All patient groups showed significantly lower FDM performance than HC on the LCPLTAS total score and on all domains separately. - People living with severe AD showed significantly lower FDM performances than people living with mild or moderate AD on the LCPLTAS total score and on all domains separately. - People living with moderate AD showed significantly lower FDM performances than people living with mild AD on the LCPLTAS total score and on all domains separately. AD (severe) < AD (moderate) < AD (mild) < HC - age (y) n.r. c - education (y) n.r. c - % male n.r. c - MMSE 5.6±3.2 ? AD (n=20) / Stage: moderate - age (y) n.r. c - education (y) n.r. c - % male n.r. c - MMSE 14.7±2.6 ? AD (n=21) / Stage: mild - age (y) n.r. c - education (y) n.r. c - % male n.r. c - MMSE 21.8±2.1 ? HC (n = 22) - age (y) n.r. c - education (y) n.r. c - % male n.r. c - MMSE 29.2±0.9 Table continues on the next page