Dorien Bangma

FDM IN NEURODEGENERATIVE DISEASES | 89 Study Country Design Sample characteristics FDM task (scale) Main outcome Conclusion Marson et al. (2009) + USA CS MCI (n=58) / Type: amnestic SCIFC (scores on domains 1-8, total score based on domains 1-7) - People living with MCI showed significantly lower FDM performances than HC on the SCIFC total score and on ‘bank statement management’, but not on other domains. MCI (amnestic) ≤ HC - age (y) 68.0±8.3 * - education (y) 13.7±2.0 * - 31.0% male * - MMSE 28.2±1.9 - DRS 131.3±7.4 * - CDR 0.0 to 1.0 HC (n=75) - age (y) 66.1±7.7 - education (y) 14.3±1.6 - 32.0% male - MMSE 29.3±1.0 - DRS 138.7±3.8 - CDR 0.0 or 0.5 Martin et al. (2019) + USA CS + LS MCI (n=91) / Type: n.r. FCI (scores on domains 1-9, total score based on domains 1-7, total score based on domains 1-7, 9) - People living with MCI showed significantly lower FDM performances than HC on the FCI total scores and on all domains separately, with the exception of ‘knowledge of personal finances’. - After 6-years follow-up, people living with MCI showed a significant deterioration on the FCI total scores and on all domains separately. No significant deterioration was observed in HC. MCI ≤ HC - age (y) 72.1±6.4 * - education (y) 14.7±3.1 - 54.9% male - MMSE 27.6±1.9 * - DRS 130.6±6.7 * - CDR 0.0 to 0.5 HC (n=82) - age (y) 66.3±8.5 - education (y) 15.2±2.5 - 36.6% male - MMSE 29.5±0.9 - DRS 138.9±3.7 - CDR 0.0 or 0.5 Niccolai et al. (2017) USA LS MCI (n=48) / Type: amnestic FCI (total score based on domains 1- 7) - After 2-year follow-up, people living with MCI showed a significant deterioration on the FCI total score compared to baseline. No significant deterioration was observed in HC. - The FCI total score at baseline was not significantly correlated with the change score of the FCI total score. N/A - age (y) 71.4±6.4 * - education 14.7±3.3 - 54.2% male - MMSE 27.6±1.9 * - DRS 131.1±7.4 * HC (n=66) - age (y) 66.3±8.6 - education 15.1±2.4 - 36.4% male - MMSE 29.6±0.8 - DRS 139.0±3.3 Okonkwo et al. (2006) USA CS MCI (n=43) / Type: amnestic/non-amnestic FCI (scores on domains 2, 3, 5, 7) - People living with MCI showed significantly lower FDM performances than HC on all FCI domains, with the exception of ‘cash transactions’. MCI (amnestic/non- amnestic) ≤ HC - age (y) 69.5±8.2 - education 14.7±3.0 - 55.8% male - MMSE 28.5±1.5 * - DRS 132.9±6.9 * HC (n=43) - age (y) 66.8±7.4 - education 15.1±2.5 - 37.2% male - MMSE 29.4±0.9 - DRS 138.3±6.5 Okonkwo et al. (2009) USA CS MCI (n=57) / Type: amnestic FCI (total score based on domain 2, 3, 5, 7) - Significantly more people living with MCI (39.3%) showed some difficulty (≤ 1.5SD below the mean of controls) with FDM on the FCI total score than HC (6.2%). MCI (amnestic) ≤ HC - age (y) 70.1±8.1 - education 15.4±3.0 - 52.6% male - DRS 133.0±7.9 * - GDS 4.5±4.4 HC (n=68) - age (y) 67.9±7.4 - education 15.1±2.5 - 38.2% male - DRS 139.4±3.9 - GDS 4.0±5.2 Table continues on the next page