Dorien Bangma

92 | CHAPTER 4 Study Country Design Sample characteristics FDM task (scale) Main outcome Conclusion Giannouli & Tsolaki (2019) Italy CS PD with dementia without depression (n = 16) LCPLTAS (total score based seven domains) - People living with PDD with and without depression showed a significantly lower FDM performance than HC with and without depression on the LCPLTAS total score. - People living with PDD with depression showed a significantly lower FDM performance than people living with PDD without depression on the LCPLTAS total score. PDD < HC - age (y) 77.2±7.4 - education (y) 8.1±93.6 - % male n.r. c - MMSE 24.8±1.8 ? - UPDRS n.r. - H&Y n.r. PD with dementia and depression (n = 14) - age (y) 74.7±10.4 - education (y) 9.2±4.9 - % male n.r. c - MMSE 19.9±3.3 ? - UPDRS n.r. - H&Y n.r. HC without depression (n = 16) - age (y) 77.1±7.5 - education (y) 8.2±3.4 - % male n.r. c - MMSE 29.6±0.6 HC with depression (n = 14) - age (y) 74.8±10.1 - education (y) 8.9±4.3 - % male n.r. c - MMSE 29.4±0.6 ? Martin et al. (2013) USA CS PD with dementia (n=17) FCI (scores on domains 1-9, total score based on domains 1-7 and total score based on domains 1-7, 9) - People living with PD-MCI showed significantly lower FDM performances than HC on the FCI total score and on the domains ‘basic monetary skills’, ‘financial concepts’ and ‘investment decisions’. No significant differences were found between patients with PD-MCI and HC regarding all other domains. - Patients with PDD showed significantly lower FDM performances than HC and patients with PD-MCI on the FCI total score and on all domains separately, with the exception of ‘financial judgment’ and ‘knowledge of assets/estate arrangement’. PDD ≤ PD-MCI ≤ HC - age (y) 71.0±6.1 - education (y) 15.1±3.3 - 76.5% male - DRS 116.8±14.1 * - CDR 0.5 to 1.0 *§ - UPDRS-10 11.9±3.9 § - H&Y n.r. PD with MCI (n=18) - age (y) 66.9±9.3 - education (y) 14.7±2.5 - 50.0% male - DRS 134.7±5.1 - CDR 0.5 * - UPDRS-10 8.2±3.9 - H&Y n.r. HC (n=20) - age (y) 69.5±8.1 - education (y) 15.2±2.7 - 50.0% male - DRS 139.5±3.0 - CDR 0 Pirogovsky et al. (2012) USA CS PD (n=33) AFT (total score) - Patients with PD showed significantly lower FDM performances than HC on the AFT total score. Group differences remained significant after exclusion of people living with PDD (n=7). PD < HC - age (y) 71.2±1.4 - education (y) 16.6±0.4 - 72.7% male - DRS 137.3±1.2 * - UPDRS n.r. - H&Y (median) 2.5 HC (n=26) - age (y) 69.8±1.3 - education (y) 16.4±0.5 - 65.4% male - DRS 140.6±0.5 Table continues on the next page