Dorien Bangma

FDM IN NEURODEGENERATIVE DISEASES | 95 Note of Table 4.2. All results are considered significant when p < .05. ACED = Assessment of Capacity for Everyday Decision-making; AD = Alzheimer’s disease; AFT = Advanced Finances Test; AR test = Actual Reality test; CAG = number of C-A-G repeats; CDR = Clinical Dementia Rating; Cho/Cr ratio = Choline-containing compounds/Creatine ratio; CS = Cross- Sectional study; DAFS = Direct Assessment of Functional Status; DMCAT = Decision Making Competence Assessment Tool; DRS = Dementia Rating Scale; EDSS = Expanded Disability Status Score; FACT = Financial Assessment and Capacity Test; FCAI = Financial Competence Assessment Inventory; FCI = Financial Capacity Instrument; FCI-SF = Financial Capacity Instrument – Short Form; FCQ = Financial Competency Questions; FDM = Financial Decision-Making; FTD = frontotemporal dementia; GDS = Global Deterioration Scale; HC = Healthy controls; HD = Huntington’s disease; H&Y = Hoehn and Yahr stage; ILS = Independent Living Scale; LCPLTAS = Legal Capacity for Property Law Transactions Assessment Scale; LS = Longitudinal study; MCI = Mild Cognitive Impairment; MDRS = Mattis Dementia Rating Scale; MMSE = Mini-Mental State Examination; MoCA = Montreal Cognitive Assessment; MRI = Magnetic Resonance Imaging; n.r. = not reported; MS = Multiple Sclerosis; MSFC = Multiple Sclerosis Functional Composite score; N/A = not applicable; NAA/CR ratio = N-Acetylaspartate/Creatine ratio; NAB = Neuropsychological Assessment Battery; NADL = Numerical Activities of Daily Living; NADL-F = Numerical Activities of Daily Living – Financial; PD = Parkinson’s disease; PDD = Parkinson’s disease dementia; PD-MCI = Parkinson’s disease with mild cognitive impairment; SAILS = Structured Assessment of Independent Living Skills; SCIFC = Semi-Structured Clinical Interview for Financial Capacity; SUVr = Standardized Uptake Value ratio; TTFW = Timed 25-Foot Walk; UCSD = University of California, San Diego; UHDRS - TFCS = Unified Huntington’s Disease Rating Scale - Total Functional Capacity Score; UPDRS = Unified Parkinson’s Disease Rating Scale; UMCFAB = University of Miami Computer-Based Functional Assessment Battery. a Percentage male cited from original article, however, the sum of the number of males and females in article does not correspond with total number of participants. b No official name of test reported, test is likely a pilot version of the LCPLTAS. c Participants were matched based on age, sex and/or level of education. d Not described in original article whether global cognition score(s) reflect baseline or follow-up. e Global cognition = average z-score based on nineteen measures of cognition. f Two studies presumably used the same sample and are therefore considered and described as one study. g Degree of impairment = (mean_HC – score_person living with MS) / SD_HC. + Study included more than one NDD group. ++ In collaboration with authors from other countries. * Significant difference between people living with an NDD and HC. § Significant difference with other NDD group(s). ? Group differences not analyzed/reported. < performances significantly worse on all FDM outcome measures; ≤ performances significantly worse on some FDM outcome measures, but not all. = performances are equal on all FDM outcome measures.