Dorien Bangma

Chapter 1 General introduction 13
Chapter 2 Introduction to the financial decision-making tests 21
Chapter 3 The effects of normal aging on multiple aspects of financial decisionmaking. 37
Chapter 4 How well do people living with neurodegenerative diseases manage their finances? A meta-analysis and systematic review on the capacity to make financial decisions in patients with neurodegenerative diseases. 57
Chapter 5 Financial decision-making capability of patients with mild cognitive impairment, Alzheimer’s disease and Parkinson’s disease: A case control approach. 111
Chapter 6 Decision-making in adults with ADHD: a systematic review. 129
Chapter 7 Financial decision-making in adults with ADHD. 157
Chapter 8 Financial decision-making in a community sample of adults with and without current symptoms of ADHD. 183
Chapter 9 General discussion and conclusion 211
References 225
List of Figures and Tables 257
Summary 263
Samenvatting 271
Curriculum Vitae 281
List of publications 285
Dankwoord 289