Martine Kruijtbosch

104 Chap t e r 3. 2 TABLE 4: PCA component correlations of considerations in the three drug shortage scenarios Consideration a PCA components MRP b 1 2 3 P8 That the patient may go to another pharmacy if I do not solve this problem 0.722 c 0.019 0.019 BO O11 That the extra time I spend searching for an alternative will not be reimbursed 0.716 0.039 -0.055 BO O1 That the patient may go to another pharmacy if I do not solve this problem 0.715 0.074 0.050 BO P13 That the extra time I spend searching for an alternative is not reimbursed 0.682 0.053 -0.054 BO O6 Whether the patient has read about the medicine on the Internet 0.640 0.092 0.049 M d O9 That when I receive a prescription, I always want to deliver the medicine because I am paid per prescription-line 0.610 0.166 -0.069 BO O2 That I receive a complaint from the Community Pharmacists Disputes Committee 0.591 0.366 0.112 RR P12 That the neurologist recognises my pharmaceutical expertise with Parkinson’s 0.522 0.086 0.235 BO P6 That the treating neurologist is a good friend of mine 0.454 -0.154 0.122 M P3 That this patient is a regular customer who takes many medications 0.440 0.106 0.119 BO C8 Whether the patient's neighbour comes to the pharmacy where I work 0.423 0.001 0.064 M C6 The number of patients for whom I may have to import a foreign oral contraceptive 0.382 0.267 0.010 BO C11 Whether pharmacists in the vicinity of my pharmacy import this oral contraceptive 0.375 0.176 -0.026 BO C13 The relative price of imported ethinylestradiol/levonorgestrel 0.298 0.234 -0.169 BO O3 That weekly administration is preferable to daily administration for ease of use 0.217 0.155 0.183 PE O5 Whether not using alendronic acid for a few weeks is a problem 0.155 -0.021 0.062 PE P11 Whether the Health and Youth Care Inspectorate consents to the import of levodopa/carbidopa 125 mg tablets -0.007 0.799 -0.024 RR O8 Whether the Health and Youth Care Inspectorate consents to the import of alendronic acid 70 mg 0.112 0.731 0.025 RR C4 Whether the Health and Youth Care Inspectorate consents to the import of this oral contraceptive 0.012 0.710 0.030 RR C7 That I do not deviate from professional guidelines -0.049 0.506 0.170 RR O7 That I have a valid prescription if I were to substitute 0.195 0.494 0.127 RR P2 That I adhere to the contract with the health insurer 0.295 0.432 0.048 RR O13 Whether the health insurer will reimburse the/an alternative 0.268 0.418 -0.078 BO