Martine Kruijtbosch

120 Chap t e r 3. 2 TABLE 8: Corrected MRP rating and MRP ranking score percentages of Dutch community pharmacists (N = 267) for three moral reasoning perspectives in three drug shortage scenarios Moral reasoning perspective (MRP) 1 within Contraceptive scenario Moral reasoning perspective (MRP) 1 within Parkinson’s scenario Moral reasoning perspective (MRP) 1 within Osteoporosis scenario BO RR PE BO RR PE BO RR PE Eligible Consideration 2 C6, C11 C4, C5, C7, C2, C3, C10 P3, P8, P12, P13 P11 P5, P7, P9 O1, O2, O9, O11 O7, O8 O10, O12 MRP rating score 3 percentage (%) 25.1 34.5 40.4 22.9 32.5 44.6 18.6 34.0 47.4 MRP ranking score 4 percentage (%) 6.7 26.4 66.9 7.9 17.1 74.9 8.0 21.9 70.1 1 MRP = Moral reasoning perspective: BO = Business orientation MRP RR = Rules and regulations MRP PE = Professional ethics MRP 2 Consideration: C (1–13) = Considerations of Contraception drug shortage scenario P (1–13) = Considerations of Parkinson’s drug shortage scenario O (1–13) = Considerations of Osteoporosis drug shortage scenario 3 MRP rating score percentage per MRP is based on the rating data and therein on the eligible PCA correlations of considerations of each perspective (PCA correlation value ≥ 0.35, or a difference of > 0.2 between the correlation values if a statement loaded highly on more than one component ), and based on a corrected MRP (RR-consideration O2 has been analysed as a BO-MRP rating score; BO-consideration C5 has been analysed as a RR-MRP rating score). 4 MRP ranking score percentage per MRP is based on the ranking data and only on ranked considerations of each perspective (percentage is based on the same rules as for the MRP rating score percentage).