Martine Kruijtbosch

121 Mo ra l r eason i ng pe r spec t i ves i n s i t ua t i on s o f d rug s ho r t ages TABLE 9: Number of times ranked considerations by Dutch community pharmacists (N = 267) Contraceptive scenario consideration Moral reasoning perspective (MRP) Number of times ranked C5 Whether the patient is willing to pay the extra costs of an imported oral contraceptive BO 101 C13 The relative price of imported ethinylestradiol/levonorgestrel BO 55 C6 The number of patients for whom I may have to import a foreign oral contraceptive BO 46 C11 Whether pharmacists in the vicinity of my pharmacy import this oral contraceptive BO 10 C1 That I adhere to the advice regarding this shortage on the Farmanco website RR 133 C7 That I do not deviate from professional guidelines RR 38 C4 Whether the Health and Youth Care Inspectorate consents to the import of this oral contraceptive RR 84 C9 Whether I run the risk of a complaint from a disciplinary court for healthcare RR 24 C10 Whether I can answer the care question of this patient with my pharmaceutical expertise PE 188 C3 That every patient has equal access to this oral contraceptive PE 127 C2 That the patient may suffer from menstrual pain without contraception PE 124 C12 The expected duration for which the patient cannot use ethinylestradiol/levonorgestrel 0.03/0.150 mg tablets PE 137 C8 Whether the patient's neighbour comes to the pharmacy where I work M 1 Parkinson’s scenario consideration MRP Number of times ranked P12 That the neurologist recognises my pharmaceutical expertise with Parkinson BO 30 P3 That this patient is a regular customer who takes many medications BO 35 P8 That the patient may go to another pharmacy if I do not solve this problem BO 5 P13 That the extra time I spend searching for an alternative will not be reimbursed BO 24 P10 That I adhere to the advice / prescription of the treating prescriber RR 88 P4 That in the case of Parkinson's medication I never deviate from the KNMP Drug Substitution Guideline RR 89