Martine Kruijtbosch

122 Chap t e r 3. 2 TABLE 9: Continued Parkinson’s scenario consideration MRP Number of times ranked P11 Whether the Health and Youth Care Inspectorate consents to the import of levodopa/carbidopa 125 mg tablets RR 76 P2 That I adhere to the contract with the health insurer RR 12 P9 Whether I can do something for this patient with my pharmaceutical expertise PE 190 P5 That Parkinson’s can get worse when the patient receives alternative treatment PE 235 P1 That every patient has equal access to levodopa/carbidopa 125 mg PE 174 P7 That I can trust the quality of imported levodopa/carbidopa 125 mg tablets PE 109 P6 That the treating neurologist is a good friend of mine M 1 Osteoporosis scenario consideration MRP Number of times ranked O13 Whether the health insurer reimburses the/an alternative BO 119 O1 That the patient may go to another pharmacy if I do not solve this problem BO 22 O11 That the extra time I spend searching for an alternative will not be reimbursed BO 32 O9 That when I receive a prescription, I always want to deliver the medicine because I am paid per prescription-line BO 3 O4 That I do not deviate from the Fracture Prevention Guideline of The Dutch College of General Practitioners RR 65 O7 That I have a valid prescription if I were to substitute RR 65 O8 Whether the Health and Youth Care Inspectorate consents to the import of alendronic acid 70 mg RR 59 O2 That I receive a complaint through the Community Pharmacists Disputes Committee RR 8 O12 That the patient worries that he will break a bone again PE 167 O5 Whether not using alendronic acid for a few weeks is a problem PE 192 O10 Whether there is evidence that alternative bisphosphonates are equally effective PE 169 O3 That weekly administration is preferable to daily administration for ease of use PE 162 O6 Whether the patient has read about the medicine on the Internet M 5