Martine Kruijtbosch

131 De t e rmi nan t s t ha t i n f l uence mo ra l r eason i ng pe r spec t i ves As shown in Table 2, only managing pharmacists and the Contraceptive scenario were significantly associated with a lower likelihood of a dominant PE-MRP. Table 3 shows that only the intended action option ‘I would likely import the medicine of which there is a shortage’ in the Parkinson’s drug shortage scenario (i.e. the scenario perceived to have a high impact on patient outcomes) is significantly associated with a dominant PE- MRP compared with the Osteoporosis and Contraceptive scenarios, where this association was not found. Pharmacists with dominant PE-MRPs are, in that situation, three times more likely to import the medicine of which there is a shortage than pharmacists without PE- MRPs. Apart from that, none of the other intended actions were associated with pharmacists having PE-MRPs.