Martine Kruijtbosch

146 Chap t e r 4 BOX 1: Dilemma method: three phases and 10 methodical steps 11,14 Phase Methodical step Step 1 – Introducing Aim: To welcome the participants and introduce the case presenter (CP). To explain the aim and procedure of moral case deliberation (MCD) including the 10 methodical steps. To explain the rules of the dialogical inquiry to participants (e.g. open communication and questioning, providing moral arguments for judgments, listening to others). To inform the participants about the roles of the facilitator and the flipchart. To emphasize the confidentiality of the meeting. 1 Image- formation Step 2 - Presenting the case Aim: To focus on the experiences of the CP who presents the dilemma case. The CP is asked to share the moment of the case in which he/she experienced the moral dilemma most strongly. Step 3 - Asking clarification questions Aim: To clarify everything that is still unclear in the situation of the moral dilemma by the CP. To (re)construct the situation in order to investigate the moral dilemma. Step 4 - Formulating the moral question and action options Aim: To make explicit the moral question underlying the moral dilemma (i.e. the question the CP wants to answer in the MCD session) as well as the action options the CP saw at the time of the dilemma, the negative consequences of these action options and the (professional) values involved. Step 5 - Analysing the case in terms of perspectives, values and norms Aim: To investigate the moral perspectives of all relevant parties involved in the dilemma. To formulate these parties’ values and a normative rule of action (a norm) that stems from each value. Step 6 - Brainstorming alternative action options Aim: To jointly brainstorm alternative action options on top of the options already mentioned by the CP in step 4. 2 Judgment- formation Step 7 - Making an individual choice of action and making explicit one’s moral considerations Aim: To formulate participants’ personal and professional views on the dilemma case. The participants answer the following five questions: a. It was morally justified that I choose action option…(A, B or alternative) b. Because of…(which value or norm)? c. Despite…(which value or norm)? d. How can you limit the negative consequences of your choice mentioned under (c)? e. What do you need to do, according to your answer under (a)?