Martine Kruijtbosch

158 Chap t e r 4 TABLE 2: General questions regarding the moral case deliberation (MCD) session (N = 14) Yes No • Have you ever participated in an MCD session before? 3 11 • Was the MCD session useful? 14 0 • Have you changed your view on the dilemma case due to the MCD session? 6 8 • Have you become more aware of your own arguments and their underlying values due to the MCD session? 12 2 • Have you become more aware of the arguments with underlying values of other participants due to the MCD session? 14 0 • Would you like to participate in MCD sessions more often? 13 1 • Do you think your fellow pharmacists are open to participating in an MCD session? 10 4 TABLE 3: Statements about the facilitator, participants and support from the MCD session (N = 14) Disagree Agree The facilitator: • Facilitated an open atmosphere where I felt safe to say something 0 14 • Encouraged participants to keep asking each other open (factual) questions instead of judging 0 14 • Ensured that the focus remained on the moral core question during the deliberation 1 13 • Encouraged the participants to critically reflect 0 14 • Ensured that participants always substantiated opinions with arguments and in relation to the facts 0 14 • Encouraged the participants to investigate possible mutual similarities and differences in arguments 2 12 The participants: • Respected each other’s arguments/viewpoints 0 14 • Were interested in the theme of the dilemma case 0 14 The MCD session supported participants in: • Recognising the moral problem (i.e. the moral dilemma) in the dilemma case 0 14 • Determining the necessary relevant (pharmaceutical) information in relation to the moral problem 2 12 • Recognising conflicting (professional) values in the action options of the dilemma 0 14 • Determining the wishes/expectations of the patient (patient perspective) 1 13 • Determining the perspectives of all parties involved in the dilemma 1 13 • Expressing arguments for and against the action the pharmacist chose to handle the dilemma 0 14 • Morally justifying the final decision the pharmacist made to handle the dilemma 0 14 • Identifying the decisive (professional) value 0 14