Martine Kruijtbosch

165 Mo ra l case de l i be ra t i on APPENDIX Evaluation questionnaire 1 - Do you ever experience moral dilemmas in your daily pharmacy practice? º Never º Monthly º Weekly º Daily 2 - Do you discuss these with other pharmacists in your area? º Usually º Sometimes º Never 2a - Please indicate why/why not. 3 - Was the moral reflection helpful? º Yes º No 3a - If so/if not, please indicate why this was the case for you. 4 - Please describe below what you learned during the moral deliberation session. 5 - Did the moral deliberationmake you look differently at the approach to the moral dilemma? º Yes º No, I would still act in the same way to tackle the dilemma case 6 - Has moral reflection made you more aware of your own arguments with underlying values? º Yes º No