Martine Kruijtbosch

166 Chap t e r 4 7 - Did moral deliberation make you more aware of the arguments with underlying values ​of other participants? º Yes º No 8 - Would you like to participate in such moral deliberation more often? º Yes º No 8a - If so, how often? º Every month º Once every two months º Once every six months º Other, namely _____ 9 - Do you think that your fellow pharmacists are open to participating in moral deliberation? º Yes º No 10 - Please respond to the following statements (Likert scale: strongly disagree/disagree/ agree/strongly agree). This facilitator . . . • Facilitated an open atmosphere where I felt safe to say something. • Encouraged the participants to keep asking each other open (factual) questions instead of judging. • Ensured that the focus remained on the moral core question during the deliberation. • Encouraged critical reflection from the participants. • Ensured that participants always substantiated opinions with arguments in relation to the facts of the case. • Encouraged the participants to investigate possible mutual similarities and differences in arguments for the chosen (interim) action of the pharmacist as an approach to the dilemma. The participants . . . º Respected each other's arguments. º Were interested in the theme of the dilemma case. Moral deliberation helps with . . . • Recognising the core moral problem (i.e. the moral dilemma) in the dilemma case.