Martine Kruijtbosch

167 Mo ra l case de l i be ra t i on • Determining the necessary relevant (pharmaceutical) information in relation to the moral core problem. • Recognising conflicting (core) values ​i​n the options for action in the dilemma. • Determining the patient's wishes/expectations (patient perspective). • Determining the perspective of the other parties involved in the dilemma case. • Articulating arguments for and against the action the pharmacist chose to approach the dilemma. • Supporting the final decision the pharmacist made to approach the dilemma with moral arguments. • Naming the decisive (core) value. 11 - Do you have any general comments? º Yes º No 12 - Please record your comments in the space below. 13 - What is your gender? º Male º Female º Other, namely _____ 14 - What is your age? 15 - What qualification do you have? º Community pharmacist (specialist) º I am currently in training in community pharmacy to become a community pharmacist º Pharmacist 16 - How many years have you worked in a pharmacy? 17 - Have you ever taken part in moral case deliberation before? º Yes º No