Martine Kruijtbosch

168 Chap t e r 4 TABLE 4: Standards for reporting qualitative research 39,40 Topic Check Remarks Title X Abstract X Introduction Problem formulation X Included in ‘Introduction’. Purpose or research question X Included in ‘Introduction’. Methods Qualitative approach and research paradigm X Descriptive explorative study. Deductive coding of quotes with professional values. The research paradigm was interpretivist/constructivist 40 as predominantly qualitative techniques were used. Researcher characteristics and reflexivity X MK is a sociologist with a pre-master in applied ethics, a trained MCD-facilitator, 35 and has 18 years’ work experience in pharmacy practice research. EvL is an experienced senior MCD-facilitator for more than 20 years and emeritus professor in medical ethics. AF and MB are pharmacists with a long experience in pharmacy practice research, including both quantitative and qualitative work. Context X The participating pharmacists who presented their moral dilemma case consented to use their cases for the MCD- sessions See ‘Method section’. Sampling strategy X Included in ‘Method section’. Ethical issues pertaining to human subjects X Included in ‘Ethics and confidentiality’. Data collection methods X Data collection instruments and technologies MCD-sessions were audio-recorded and transcribed manually. Units of study X Community pharmacists. Data processing X Included in ‘Method section’.