Martine Kruijtbosch

46 Chap t e r 2 .1 APPENDIX Standards for reporting qualitative research 42, 43 Topic Check Remarks Title X Abstract X Introduction Problem formulation X Included in ‘Introduction’ Purpose or research question X Included in ‘Introduction’ Methods Qualitative approach and research paradigm X Narrative research. Inductive formulation of themes. The research paradigm was interpretivist/constructivist 43 as predominantly qualitative techniques were used to formulate themes (see ‘Definition of moral dilemmas’ and ‘Data analysis’). Rationale for the qualitative approach was the aim to find themes of moral dilemmas within written narratives Researcher characteristics and reflexivity X Panellists and the research team were all experienced pharmacists and trained in a half-day ethics course to identify moral dilemmas. The first researcher is a sociologist with a pre-master in applied ethics and 12 years work experience in pharmacy practice research Context X The participating pharmacists wrote their narratives as an assignment during either pre- or postgraduate training. They consented to the use of their narratives for research purposes. Only these written narratives were selected and analysed. See ‘Study design and setting’ Sampling strategy X Included in ‘Study design and setting’ Ethical issues pertaining to human subjects X Included in ‘Ethics approval’ Data collection methods X The narratives were written by the participating pharmacists as an assignment during either pre- or postgraduate training Data collection instruments and technologies Not relevant as the participating pharmacists wrote the narratives used