Martine Kruijtbosch

75 App l i cab i l i t y o f t he Au s t ra l i an Pro f es s i ona l E t h i c s i n Pha rmacy t es t conventional and post-conventional moral reasoning schemas were statistically confirmed in the PEP study. In that study these schemas were respectively labelled as ‘business orientation’, ‘rules and regulations’ and ‘patients’ rights’ (Table 1, fourth column). TABLE 1: Moral reasoning development schemas of the DIT and PEP test Cognitive moral development DIT 15 PEP test 33 PEP test 33 PEP-NL test Moral reasoning schemas Hypothesised moral reasoning schemas of pharmacists in Australia Definitive moral reasoning schemas of pharmacists in Australia Definitive moral reasoning schemas of pharmacists in the Netherlands (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) Post- conventional Post-conventional Patients’ rights Professional ethics Beyond personal interest and norms Principles derived from bioethics conveyed in the Australian Code of Ethics: pharmacist as gatekeeper of medications and provider of primary healthcare to the public Statements are related to patients’ rights, whether legal or otherwise Statements are related to pharmaceutical expertise, professional responsibility, counselling/shared decision making, and being professionally autonomous in using knowledge/judgment to care for patients Conventional Conventional Rules and regulations Rules and regulations Maintaining norms Regulatory framework: pharmacist becomes entrenched in practice, adopts professional standards Statements are related to legal obligations of the profession Statements are related to legal obligations of the profession Pre- conventional Pre-conventional Business orientation Business orientation Personal interest Personal interest: pharmacist at entry level of the profession Statements are related to client care and business viability Statements are related to client care and business viability Translation of the test The PEP test was translated into the Dutch language by one member of the research group (WG) and translated back to English by a professional English scientific writer. The translated PEP test (PEP-NL) was tested for face and content validity by the research team and two additional academic health researchers.