Martine Kruijtbosch

79 App l i cab i l i t y o f t he Au s t ra l i an Pro f es s i ona l E t h i c s i n Pha rmacy t es t TABLE 2: Continued PEP-NL PCA components (1) (2) (3) dilemma 2 - Morphine scenario (M9) Whether pain may be controlled by other measures within legal boundaries. 0.341* 0.091* 0.099* (M10) Whether your medical indemnity is up to date and renewed. 0.566 0.061 -0.020 (M11) Whether you should respond to the trust which the patient has afforded you. 0.081* 0.437* 0.333* (M12) Whether the professional and clinical judgment of the pharmacist in this case is relevant. -0.248 0.274 0.550 dilemma 3 - Repeat prescription scenario (R1) Whether you (the pharmacist) are very busy and need to close shop in half an hour. 0.148* 0.319* -0.357* (R2) Whether you consider it important to address clients’ needs otherwise business is lost. 0.308* 0.356* -0.375* (R3) If the patient has a logical reason for requesting supply there is no point in refusing. -0.060 0.505 -0.090 (R4) Whether it is a patient’s right to choose how and when to take their medicine. 0.163 0.564 -0.043 (R5) If the patient is adequately counselled there is no further responsibility for the pharmacist. 0.097 0.533 -0.209 (R6) Whether the client’s neighbour is a friend and can be relied upon to report any problems.** -0.017* 0.490* 0.009* (R7) Whether a citizen is entitled to his or her medicine by law, if prescribed by a doctor. 0.520* 0.347* 0.027* (R8) Whether the prescription is legal and ‘‘Immediate Supply’’ is justified and possible. 0.325* 0.370* 0.079* (R9) Whether concerns for safety override need for medication. 0.059 -0.035 0.539 (R10) Whether it is a pharmacist’s duty to abide by the requirements of the prescription. 0.473 0.215 0.035 (R11) Whether it is a pharmacist’s duty to exercise professional judgment in dispensing. -0.081 0.168 0.649 (R12) Whether refusing to dispense, since it is not legally due, is the preferred option. 0.218* -0.085* 0.348* Underlined scores are eligible PEP-NL component correlations *Excluded **Meaningless statement