Martine Kruijtbosch

87 App l i cab i l i t y o f t he Au s t ra l i an Pro f es s i ona l E t h i c s i n Pha rmacy t es t 19. Bebeau MJ. The Defining Issues Test and the Four Component Model: Contributions to professional education. J Moral Educ 2002;31:271-295. 20. Latif DA. The four component model of morality: Implications for pharmacy education. J Pharm Teach 2002;10:15-33. 21. Kotzee B, Ignatowicz A. Measuring ‘virtue’ in medicine. Med Health Care and Philos 2016;19:149- 161. 22. Bebeau MJ, Thoma SJ. “Intermediate” concepts and the connection to moral education. Educ Psychol Rev 1999;11:343-360. 23. Thoma SJ. Measuring moral thinking from a Neo-Kohlbergian perspective. Theory Res Educ 2014;12:347-365. 24. Rest JR. Background: Theory and Research. In: Rest JR, Narváez D, editors. Moral development in the professions: Psychology and applied ethics. Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates; 1994. pp. 1-26. 25. Latif DA, Berger BA. Cognitive moral development and clinical performance: Implications for pharmacy education. Am J Pharm Educ 1999;63:20-27. 26. Latif DA. The relationship between pharmacists' tenure in community setting and moral reasoning. J Bus Ethics 2001;31:131-141. 27. Latif DA. An assessment of the level of moral development of American and Canadian pharmacy students. lnt J Pharm Pract 2002;10:153-160. 28. Latif DA. An assessment of the ethical reasoning of United States pharmacy students: A national study. Am J Pharm Educ 2004;68:Article 30. 29. Cooper RJ, Bissell P, Wingfield J. 'Islands' and 'doctor's tool': The ethical significance of isolation and subordination in UK community pharmacy. Health 2009;13:297-316. 30. Prescott J, Becket G, Wilson SE. Moral development of first-year pharmacy students in the United Kingdom. Am J Pharm Educ 2014;78:36. 31. Thoma SJ, Dong Y. The Defining Issues Test of moral judgment development. Behav Dev Bull 2014;19:55-61. 32. Skisland A, Bjørnestad JO, Söderhamn O. Construction and testing of the moral development scale for professionals (MDSP). Nurse Educ Today 2012;32:255-260. 33. Chaar BB. Professional ethics in pharmacy practice: Developing a psychometric measure of moral reasoning. Pharm World Sci 2009 Aug;31:439-449. 34. Rest JR, Narvaez D, Thoma SJ, Bebeau MJ. A Neo-Kohlbergian Approach to Morality Research. J Moral Educ 2000;29:381-395. 35. Narvaez D, Bock T. Moral schemas and tacit judgement or how the Defining Issues Test is supported by cognitive science. J Moral Educ 2002;31:297-314. 36. Field A. Discovering statistics using SPSS. 3 rd edition. Sage Publications Ltd; 2009. 37. vanMil JF. Pharmaceutical care in community pharmacy: Practice and research in the Netherlands. Ann Pharmacother 2005;39:1720-1725. 38. Cipolle RJ, Morley PC, Strand LM. Pharmaceutical care practice: The patient-centered approach to medication management. 3 rd edition. New York: McGraw-Hill Publishing;2012;73-93.