Martine Kruijtbosch

89 App l i cab i l i t y o f t he Au s t ra l i an Pro f es s i ona l E t h i c s i n Pha rmacy t es t APPENDIX Professional Ethics in Pharmacy Test © 33 Dilemma No. 1 (OTC scenario) It was a cold winter’s afternoon and business had been slow at the pharmacy all day. In fact business had been slow ever since the pharmacist took over the pharmacy 3 months ago from the previous owner. It had been difficult to keep finances under control at the time. The bank’s notice for late payment instalments had arrived the day before. It was a relief to be distracted from these worries by an incoming client asking to see the Pharmacist. An elderly lady requested something for her sinuses. She had tried many medications including Paracetamol, Antihistamines and nasal sprays, but nothing seemed to have helped. There were many OTC (over-the-counter) products on the shelf with huge bonuses and great promotions. One particularly expensive item looked suitable. Perhaps it might not provide her with much symptom relief, as there was no evidence to prove efficacy, but it wouldn’t do much harm either. Should the pharmacist sell the OTC product? Yes; Can’t Decide; No How important would each of the following be in deciding what to do? Please rate the importance of each of the following by marking with an x: Great; Much; Some; Little; No 1 . Whether you (the pharmacist) are under great financial pressure. 2 . Whether other pharmacists would approve of such a recommendation. 3 . Whether you need to offer the client symptom relief to retain her loyalty to the pharmacy. 4 . Whether the client is a grandmother and not likely to abuse a medication. 5 . Whether there is no criminal offence in selling OTC products in the pharmacy . 6 . Whether the Pharmacy Board recently sent out guidelines about Standards of Practice. 7 . Whether providing symptom relief to the client will help her feel less pain . 8 . Whether it is acceptable to appropriate justice in forms amenable to the professional. 9 . Whether a recent article in a reputable journal queried the benefit of that OTC to her. 10 . Whether it is fair to persuade a pensioner to pay for an item of uncertain benefit. 11 . Whether you don’t want to disappoint her and lose her respect for you.