Martine Kruijtbosch

91 App l i cab i l i t y o f t he Au s t ra l i an Pro f es s i ona l E t h i c s i n Pha rmacy t es t From the list of questions above, please rank the statements in order of importance: Most Important; Second most important; Third most important; Fourth most important Dilemma No.3 (Repeat prescription scenario) It has been a very busy Monday at the pharmacy. There have been a large number of prescriptions, many with problems, then the demanding clients who couldn’t wait for their turn and even lost medications. It has been difficult to maintain order in the pharmacy. In the midst of all this, one client walked in quietly, and was waiting in a corner to be served. Eventually, an assistant brings forth a repeat prescription for his tricyclic antidepressant. The prescription is not due for dispensing for at least another fortnight. The pharmacist queries this and the client shrugs rather despondently, mumbling something about going on a holiday. The pharmacist vaguely remembers this patient…something about an attempted suicide years ago. The prescribing doctor, a psychiatrist, does not like the pharmacist calling during consultation hours as the distraction upsets his patients. Should the pharmacist dispense the repeat? Yes; Can’t Decide; No How important would each of the following be in deciding what to do? Please rate the importance of each of the following by marking with an x: Great; Much; Some; Little; No 1 . Whether you (the pharmacist) are very busy and need to close shop in half an hour. 2 . Whether you consider it important to address clients’ needs otherwise business is lost. 3 . If the patient has a logical reason for requesting supply there is no point in refusing. 4 . Whether it is a patient’s right to choose how and when to take their medication. 5 . If the patient is adequately counselled there is no further responsibility for the pharmacist. 6 . Whether the client’s neighbour is a friend and can be relied upon to report any problems. 7 . Whether a citizen is entitled to his or her medicine by law, if prescribed by a doctor. 8 . Whether the prescription is legal and “Immediate Supply” is justified and possible. 9 . Whether concerns for safety override need for medication. 10 . Whether it is a pharmacist’s duty to abide by the requirements of the prescription. 11 . Whether it is a pharmacist’s duty to exercise professional judgment in dispensing. 12 . Whether refusing to dispense, since it is not legally due, is the preferred option. From the list of questions above, please rank the statements in order of importance: Most Important; Second most important; Third most important; Fourth most important