Stefan Elbers

121 Co-designing relapse prevention strategies (Jones, 2013). System maps typically include a framework of interrelated components, as well as clarifying examples of quotes and pictures. These maps can be presented in posters or cards and are useful to share data to stakeholders in an accessible way (see pages 7-9 in Appendix 1). Moreover, it provides participants with the opportunity to jointly reflect on the data and update ideas during co-creation sessions. A specific way to represent the data as a coherent “whole” for usage throughout co-design activities is by creating personas: fictitious archetypes of users, each reflecting a distinct pattern in goals, attitudes, and behaviors based on empirical research among potential users. With personas, it is possible to highlight certain areas of tension or to facilitate discussion of important patient characteristics (Adlin et al., 2006). Co-Creation Sessions. We used co-creation sessions at key moments during the project to discuss and reflect on the collected data, to generate new ideas, and to make decisions regarding future development directions (see page 10 in Appendix 1). A typical session would take 4 hours and involved 10-20 stakeholders. The core team prepared the sessions by formulating desired outcomes and setting up system maps to present the data. During the sessions, 2 designers operated as workshop facilitators and used various assignments (e.g., prioritizing ideas for prototype concepts) to work towards the desired outcomes in an open atmosphere where everyone was invited to actively participate. All written session data (e.g., posters, drawings, notes) were collected and discussed during core team evaluation meetings directly after the session. To maintain involvement and commitment between the sessions, the core team sent bimonthly newsletters and posted updates on the project websites. Measurements and Analysis Dataset. The dataset for this case study consisted of 4 different sources. To capture the results of the design methods, researchers documented each design and research activity, using observation notes, pictures, audio files, or video clips. In addition to the session documentation, researchers also organized reflective sessions directly after a co- design activity to summarize the output of co-creation sessions (e.g., notes or post-its) into system maps. These maps served both as a descriptive analysis of the data as well as for input during subsequent co-design sessions. The dataset also consisted of minutiae of steering committee meetings and a retrospective project journey. This journey was the result of a reviewing session, where researchers and members of the steering committee chronologically described and discussed critical incidents. Data Analysis. We used a deductive content approach to identify information within the dataset that relates to our main themes: stakeholder involvement, generation of