Stefan Elbers

123 Co-designing relapse prevention strategies 1.1 Kick-off 1.2 Interviews 1.3 Student design projects 2.3 Cardset 2.2 Posters 3.3 Solapp 3.2 DIY Toolkit what to design how to design diverge diverge converge converge 11 months 1 month 4 months 2 months Phase 1 ‘discover’ Phase 2 ‘define’ Phase 3 ‘develop’ Phase 4 ‘deliver’ > > > > 2.1 Analyzing session 2.4 Co-creation session 1 3.1 Concept development 4.1 Co-creation session 2 4.2 Inter- vention components 4.3 Prototype workbook Define relates to the integration of the acquired insights into various separate concepts that each provides a speci c direction for potential solutions. Discover involves an exploration of the problem by spending time with stakeholders and learning to understand their perspectives and experiences. Develop is concerned with exploring various potential strategies together with stakeholders that be a solution to the problem. Deliver converges the potential strategies towards an end result. In our case: a paper prototype that contained both strategies that were explored in the develop phase. Figure 1. Overview of the Co-Design Development Process.