Stefan Elbers

Illustration of stakeholder interviews, including the ‘ambiguous images’ that were used during the introduction, journey maps and a an assignment to write down a personal desire (“wouldn’t it be nice if …”) related to improving the care for patients with chronic pain. Patient were interviewed in their personal context. Generative techniques for patient interviews Prior to the interview, a patient received a ‘sensitizer’ (left) to pre-activate thoughts and ideas related to their experience (e.g. description of a day were they felt particularly well or restricted by the pain). During the interview both the patient and interviewer collaborated to construct a patient journey map that laid on the table (right). The stickers aimed to elicit associations or to bring up tacit knowledge. SOLACE SELF MANAGEMENT IN CHRONIC PAIN STRATEGIES My journey to become and remain act ive SOLACE SELF MANAGEMENT IN CHRONIC PAIN STRATEGIES My advice for other people with pain ... My advice for healthcare providers ... M y a d v i c e f o r m y f a m i l y a n d f r i e n d s My super hero Prior to treatment At home Treatment Support at home Exercising at home Achievements Sharing at home Challenges Who helps What helps Goals Treatment Collaboration Highest moments Motivation ........................................... ............................................ ......................................... ................................... Lowest moments Daily life Difficult moments My name Pain is ... The role of pain in my life For me, being active is ... ................. ... ... .......... Lessons learned At home ................................ ............ ........................... ...... ....... .......................... ........... ............. .............. ...... ................. ....... ......................................................... ................................ ............ ........................... ...... ....... .......................... ........... ...... .................. ..................... I am proud of . . . My dream is . . . SOLACE SELF MANAGEMENT IN CHRONIC PAIN STRATEGIES I am .... old I live with My daily routine includes My motto is . . . *delete as appropriate On good days, I feel .................... ...... ..... .... ...... ...... .................... ...... ....... .... ......... On not so good days, I feel ...................... ...... ..... .. ..... .. ... .................... ...... ....... ....... .. ...... I will watch, or listen to ... ...................... ...... ..... .. ......................... .. I look forward to ... ...................... ...... ..... .. ...................... My favorite spot is ... ...................... ...... ..... ................. ...... ..... I will not .... ...................... ...... ........... because ....... ...... ..... ..... I will ... ...................... ...... ..... .. because ....... ...... ..... I prefer to be alone/ with * ... ............................. ...... ..... .. ....................... ...... ..... .. you can write, draw or paste a picture you can write, draw or paste a picture If you think about moments when you felt good and when you felt down, last week, how did you experience this? I think of ... ...................... ...... ..... .. .................... ....... I want ... ...................... ...... ..... . .................... ............... I will watch, or listen to ... ...................... ...... ..... .. I look forward to ... ...................... ...... ..... .. because ....... ...... ..... .... My favorite spot is ... ...................... ...... ..... .. ............................ I will not .... ...................... ..... ..... .. ......................... I will ... ...................... ...... . ................. I prefer to be alone/ with * ... ...................... ...... ..... . .............. I think of ... ...................... ...... .... ....................... What really helps me is ... ...................... ...... ..... because ....... ...... ..... . This is me . . . you can write, draw or paste a picture Phase 1 ‘discover’ 1.2 Interviews