Stefan Elbers

Example of various student teams that tested specific hypotheses related to relapse. Participants (e.g. bystanders or patients) interacted with provotypes to acquire insights. Provotypes Two examples of provotypes that were developed and used by the student teams. ‘Spirit’ was a board game were patients and their families had to cooperate to successfully complete a normal day, including work, school and all required tasks. Importantly, participants had to switch roles and play a different family member. This tested the idea that sharing details of coping with pain in daily life with family would reinforce empathy and mutual understanding. In ‘Co-design a pancake’, patients and significant others had to collaborate to bake a pancake, which was further stimulated by modifying the kitchenware (e.g. a ladle with two handles). This tested the assumption that pain could interfere with equality as partners. SOLACE SELF MANAGEMENT IN CHRONIC PAIN STRATEGIES Phase 1 ‘discover’ 1.3 Student design projects