Stefan Elbers

SOLACE SELF MANAGEMENT IN CHRONIC PAIN STRATEGIES ……………….………….# ……………………………………….$ ……………………………………….$ ……………………………………….$ ……………………………………….$ ……………………………………….$ ……………………………………….$ $ $ describe your idea or insight here Title of your idea or insight Attach an illustration, picture or quote that is associated with your idea or insight Sender! ! ………………….....................! Phase 2 ‘define’’ 2.3 Cardset Literature"T"behaviour change ! Relapse: a struggle against old habits? Illustrerende$foto$$ of$model$ A habit is a type of behaviour (e.g. resting) that is executed automatically and effortlessly in respons to an associated stable situational cue (e.g. pain). The stronger this association, the stronger the impulse to perform the corresponding habitual behaviour.!! Gardner,!2014! New treatment goals …!Versus!old habits.! Literature"–"chronic"pain ! Barriers to self-management • Lack of support of family and friends • Limited financial means! • Depression! • Ineffective pain management strategies! • Activity avoidance due to pain Bair!(2008)! Examples of four stimulus cards that where developed for the first co-creation session.