Stefan Elbers

SOLACE SELF MANAGEMENT IN CHRONIC PAIN STRATEGIES Phase 4 ‘deliver’ 4.2 Intervention components Check 4: Is there someone that you can ask for help? Check 2: How confident are you that you successfully attain this goal? The chances of success are higher, If you are confident in that your own capabilities. Lower limit YES NO Check 5: Add a calender reminder? Check 3: How much time will it take to reach this goal? 6 months Very confident Very important one day Not confident at all Not important at all If you estimate that goal attainment will take more than 6 months, we recommend to divide the goal into multiple subgoals. Describe the first subgoal below: Check 1: How important is this goal for you? The chances of success are smaller, If the goal is not important to you. Lower limit MY VALUE MY GOAL 2 Discovery I want to be able to go for regular �� km hikes in my favorite nature reserve | | | my friend �ane x Theme 2_Goals and values Subtheme 1_Remembering goals and values “Walking was my most important goal. Why? Because it gives me freedom.” - patient, 2.1 BCT 13.4_Valued self-identity Chase et al (2013) Values are not just goals Both interventions were divided into multiple separate components. For each component we evaluated to what extent it corresponded with (sub)themes from the qualitative dataset. Furthermore, we performed literature searches to find ways to improve each component. For example: Component ‘select personal values’