Stefan Elbers

SOLACE SELF MANAGEMENT IN CHRONIC PAIN STRATEGIES English translation of four pages of the workbook prototype: a_front page b/c_value based goal- setting procedure d_example of two insight cards. Phase 4 ‘deliver’ 4.3 Prototype workbook Check 4: Is there someone that you can ask for help? Check 2: How confident are you that you successfully attain this goal? The chances of success are higher, If you are confident in that your own capabilities. Lower limit YES NO Check 5: Add a calender reminder? Check 3: How much time will it take to reach this goal? 6 months Very confident Very important one day Not confident at all Not important at all If you estimate that goal attainment will take more than 6 months, we recommend to divide the goal into multiple subgoals. Describe the first subgoal below: Check 1: How important is this goal for you? The chances of success are smaller, If the goal is not important to you. Lower limit MY VALUE MY GOAL 2 Discovery I want to be able to go for regular �� km hikes in my favorite nature reserve | | | my friend �ane x OBSTACLE WHEN WILL I DO THIS? what will I do? Where will I do this? today tomorrow day after ELSE: REWARD THE FIRST STEP 3 �oing for dinner after the first successful walk �eet with �ane to plan training sessions and go for a short walk At my house �onday, ne�t week x Not in the mood, tired, having pain �ad weather Apply pacing strategies during the day �ust go� �eep on paved roads ������ WOR K BOOK PA I N T R EATMENT S T R AT E G I E S T O T R A N S F E R T R E AT M E N T I N S I G H T S T O Y O U R P E R S ON A L E N V I R ONM E N T. MOMENT MEMORY CUE I HAD A PLEASANT INTERACTION WITH A NEW PERSON IN OUR GROUP. I SHARED MY EXPER I ENCES AND ENCOURAGED HIM TO CONTINUE EXERC ISING, I RRESPECTI VE OF PA IN OR TI REDNESS. MOMENT MEMORY CUE IMPORTANT TOP I C DUR ING TODAY ’S SESSION: HURT DOES NOT EQUAL HARM. P IJN = SCHADE 1 HURT HARM