Stefan Elbers

160 Chapter 6 Table 2. Coding Scheme, Including Themes, Subthemes, and Representative Quotations. Themes and subthemes Representative quotations 1. Applicability of the workbook in the existing treatment programs 1.1 Introduction of the intervention (48 quotations) I would have preferred the assistance of a therapist with the formulation of my first value-based goal. Without help, it took me some time to understand the logic behind the procedure. [P8 a ] 1.2 Interaction with the treatment program (35 quotations) The workbook fits the treatment program well. [P11] 1.3 Final phase of treatment (7 quotations) I liked to review the Insight Cards during the follow-up session. One patient even attached photos to his cards. It was nice to browse through and to gain insights in his experiences. [T2 b ] 1.4 Role of health care provider (28 quotations) I liked the support of the therapists. During the sessions, we went through the workbook and discussed everything. They also reminded me sometimes to write down experiences. [P3] 2. Acceptability of the workbook content 2.1 Usage (33 quotations) I did not actively use the workbook posttreatment, but it is nice to have it as a work of reference. [P17] 2.2 Action mechanisms (47 quotations) The workbook was an essential element in the process of learning to understand my condition. [P2] 2.3 Reported outcomes (30 quotations) For me, the workbook functioned as an extension of the treatment. I could see the program evolve, and patterns change. I could read back my personal development. [P8] 2.4 New components (27 quotations) Specific information on triggers that could cause a relapse is not provided in the current prototype. [T3] 3. Acceptability of the workbook form 3.1 Type of delivery (mobile health vs paper and pencil; 32 quotations) A negative point for both is that the intervention content would better fit an eHealth intervention in the current time. [T2] 3.2 Written instructions (18 quotations) Related to Value-Based Goal Setting: I believe the concept [of values] is difficult. For example, one patient did not understand the idea behind “source of inspiration.” People that you needed to look up to...she found that a scary idea. [T4] 3.3 Appearance (13 quotations) I had difficulty with the initial structure of the layout. How does that work? [P8] 4. Adaptability 4.1 Personal characteristics (45 quotations) To use the workbook appropriately, patients will need some sort of self-reflecting skills, as well as intrinsic motivation. [T1] Notes: a P: patient; b T: health care provider.