Stefan Elbers

182 Chapter 7 be explained. Patients also receive a manual that provides general information about the treatment progamme. All therapies are delivered at the location of the treatment center, except for optional workplace visits. Relapse prevention is part of regular treatment and is addressed during group treatment, individual counseling, or through specific assignments (e.g., composing a relapse prevention plan). Enhanced Treatment. In addition to the regular treatment condition, patients in the enhanced treatment condition will be provided access to the AGRIPPA app that is available on the Android and iOS operating systems for mobile devices. The app consists of three components: two behavioural strategies and an education module. “Insight Cards” and “Value-Based Goals” are specific behaviour regulation strategies that have been derived from the SOLACE study and aim to prevent relapse. In addition, an information and education module has been developed in response to patient and health care provider preferences that were expressed during the app design phase. Component 1: Insight Cards. Patients can use “Insight Cards” to document any personally meaningful experience, thought, or idea that relates to their treatment or corresponding personal development. The main aim is that these “insights” remain accessible after treatment and thereby support the transfer of key treatment principles to each patient’s personal context. When capturing an insight, patients first type a title and a short description. Subsequently, they have the possibility to assign a corresponding value and a related picture to the insight (see Figure 1). When patients routinely save their experiences in the app during their treatment period, this will result in a chronologic overview of key experiences over time. During treatment, health care providers will be able to discuss this content with patients to checkwhether the treatment was received as intended. For patients, the app provides a means to reflect on important experiences during and after treatment. The app also enables patients to mark specific experiences as “favorite” and to share their Insight Cards via email or WhatsApp with their relevant others. After treatment, patients have continuous access to their personal collection of Insight Cards to recover specific insights, to explain specific insights of their condition or treatment to other people, or to reflect on their experiences. Moreover, they can add new Insight Cards to their collection after treatment completion if they have experienced relevant events or insights. Component 2: Value-Based Goals. The Value-Based Goals module facilitates the formulation of meaningful goals (e.g., going for a hike with friends on Saturday morning to be sociable) and subsequent action planning of each consecutive step toward this goal. The procedure is divided into four steps. First, patients formulate their overall goal. Second, patients reflect on desirability, self-efficacy, estimated time to achievement, and social support concerning this goal. Third, patients formulate a corresponding higher-order value (e.g., values such