Stefan Elbers

184 Chapter 7 assignments. The main reason for including this module is to create a single environment for all supplementary materials of the treatment progamme. Figure 1 (right) depicts the main screen of this module. Modifications. During the training session, we recommend health care providers to regularly discuss the app during treatment. However, due to expected variations in digital literacy and other urgent topics, health care providers are allowed to modify the intensity according to their clinical judgement. Adherence to the Intervention Protocol. The app will be made available to the members of the treatment teams to become accustomed to the content. The training will be provided by two researchers (JP and ES) and include an overview of the purpose and rationale of the study, as well as detailed instructions on how to use the app within the context of the treatment progamme. This includes identifying an appropriate moment within the treatment progamme to introduce the app, determining which member of the team will be responsible for the introduction and encouragement to regularly evaluate the app content, and provide feedback to the participant. During the study, a researcher will have biweekly contact with the treatment team to obtain feedback and discuss progress. Furthermore, two audit sessions will be planned at each location. The researcher will schedule an appointment to discuss overall progress, protocol adherence, and to share examples of good practice with the treatment team. During these sessions, the researcher will also inquire about substantial deviations from the protocol or discontinuation of the app during treatment. Concomitant Care. During the treatment progamme, patients are not allowed to be treated elsewhere for their chronic pain unless the treatment team decides to refer the patient for a specific reason. Outcomes All six treatment facilities routinely collect outcome data with an electronic survey to monitor their patients (Pollard, 1984). All demographics, baseline measurements, as well as the primary outcome will be obtained by this procedure. Any outcome measures that are not part of the routine assessment will be obtained through an additional electronic survey. Table 1 includes an overview of all outcome domains, measures, and planned analysis methods. The participant flow that is depicted in Figure 2 includes all time points of data collection in this study. A researcher who is not involved with the treatment progamme will monitor all incoming data and will promote study retention using email reminders after 7 days and telephone reminders at 15 and 21 days post measurement.