Stefan Elbers

187 AGRIPPA: protocol for an RCT STUDY PERIOD Enrolment Allocation Post-allocation TIME POINT -t 1 0 t 1 t 2 t 3 t 4 ENROLMENT: Eligibility screen X Informed consent X Allocation X INTERVENTIONS: Standard treatment Enhanced treatment ASSESSMENTS: Patient characteristics X PDI X X X X X IPQ-K (DLV) X X X X X PSEQ X X X X X NRS Pain intensity X X X X X SF12 X X GPE X X X X System usage data System Usability Scale X Cost- effectiveness* (iMCQ) X X Figure 2. Schedule of Enrolment, Interventions, and Assessments. Notes: Figure Adopted from SPIRIT (2013). -t1: prior to treatment; t1: posttreatment; t2: 3 months posttreatment; t3: 6 months posttreatment; t4: 12 months posttreatment; PDI: pain disability index; IPQ-K (DLV): Dutch language version of the Illness Perception Questionnaire; PSEQ: Pain Self-Efficacy Questionnaire; NRS: numeric rating scale; SF12: 12-item short-form health survey; GPE: global perceived effect.